Effective Risk ManagementThe Key to Successful Project Delivery

Effective Risk Management
The Key to Successful Project Delivery

If you are a project professional, responsible for the successful delivery of projects of any size or type, then understanding the risks involved in project execution, and how best to manage them, is an essential component to your portfolio.

In most projects, there will be numerous studies and deliverables produced which address specific project risks. These would typically include design safety studies, operational safety studies and environmental impact assessments. However, the day-to-day risks which occur on every project, and relate to the success of project execution, are often either over-looked or poorly defined. This results in, at best, project overruns or minor injuries and, at worst, complete project failure or fatalities.

Project Risk Management is an integral part of business and financial risk management. However, project risks do need to be managed slightly differently, as their impacts range widely: from Cost and Schedule, to Health and Safety, to Community, Environment and Reputation. Knowing how to effectively identify, quantify and mitigate project risks can ultimately determine the difference between project success and failure.

If you’re committed to delivering projects on schedule, within budget and without injuries, you can’t afford to ignore the benefits of effective project risk management. PetroKnowledge’s intensive 2-day training course entitled “Project Risk Management Essentials for Project Professionals” will equip you with a set of skills that will benefit every project you manage in the future. This training course will be held at multiple venues in Kuwait, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore. Join this highly effective training course and experience the changes it brings in your professional life.

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