PetroKnowledge tackles Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC)

PetroKnowledge tackles Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC)

PetroKnowledge continues to provide training courses and workshops to promote health & safety in the oil and gas industry by adding IMO OPRC seminars in its 2018 training calendar.

The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO) International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) requires governments to establish and execute programmes for oil pollution response organisations and training for relevant professionals and personnel.

The IMO has developed a range of training courses to address all aspects of oil spill planning, response and management.  These OPRC Model courses have been designed and developed by an international group of experts from governments and industry organisations geared towards providing awareness and skills in response to a maritime oil spill.

IMO Model Training Course on Oil Pollution
Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC):

Level 1 – First Responders

The IMO Model Training Course on OPRC Level 1 is intended to the first line responders in the oil and offshore industry including Tankers crews. The training course will deal with the essential upgrade of knowledge of delegates to fully understand the fate and behaviour of oil and chemical spills in the marine and coastal environments and how to combat such spills.

Level 2 – Supervisors and On-Scene Commanders

This IMO Model Training Course on OPRC Level 2 is intended for On Scene Commanders in cases of oil spills as per IMO requirements. The delegates will gain practical knowledge on the stages of the combating process but also will be trained to manage the situation minimising damage to the marine and coastal environments and preventing injury to personnel involved. This level is essential for all marine and offshore industries dealing with oil and chemicals.


Level 3 – Senior Managers and Administrators

This 3-day IMO Model Training Course on OPRC Level 3 is intended to the higher-level decision makers ashore (e.g. company management and government official). This level is all about taking the right decisions at the right time in an oil spill crisis case. This PetroKnowledge training course introduces the concept of crisis management at a higher level and ensures sufficient time is given to apply such gained skills in numerous hypothetical scenarios.

To view related training seminars and workshop, click on the following course categories:

For more information on PetroKnowledge training courses, please visit our website ( or contact us at T: 00971 2 557 7389 / E: [email protected]

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