Geology, Seismology & Petrophysics Training Courses

Geology, Seismology & Petrophysics Training Courses

Optimizing Resource Extraction and Reservoir Management

4 courses
A bioestratigrafia é frequentemente usada como uma ferramenta para determinar idades de sedimentação e para interpretação paleoambiental em projetos de exploração e
14 - 18 Oct 2024
5 days
A indústria petrolífera, de montante a jusante, é uma indústria multifacetada e ampla que emprega desde funcionários administrativos a contabilistas, advogados, químicos,
11 - 15 Nov 2024
5 days
A sísmica de reflexão constitui uma das formas fundamentais de visualizar a subsuperfície numa perspetiva geológica. Recentemente este tipo de dados tem
18 - 22 Nov 2024
5 days
Este curso de formação incidirá sobre as técnicas laboratoriais de bioestratigrafia existentes e como são utilizadas na Indústria Petrolífera. Abordaremos as principais
02 - 04 Dec 2024
3 days

Geology, Seismology & Petrophysics Training Courses

The worldwide, diverse & multi-disciplined Petroleum Industry owes its very existence to an expert understanding of the subsurface geology.
PetroKnowledge’s Geology, Seismology & Petrophysics training courses have been holistically designed to offer an overview of the exploration and development process to expert level comprehensive, interactive training courses on  applied biostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, the identification of seismic sequences, clastic reservoir characterization and  a detailed understanding of rift systems and basin analysis.

Honing personal skills with the necessary varied technical requirements and development of the intuitive knowledge of the prospect generating explorationist are the objectives of these training courses. They will be supported by many worldwide case study examples of the typical success and sometimes failures which occur in the challenging but also fascinating hunt for commercial hydrocarbons that underpins this whole industry.

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