Engineering & Technical Training Courses
Specialized Training to Enhance Your Engineering Expertise
Explore all Engineering & Technical training courses offered by PetroKnowledge:

Certificate Course in Advanced Maintenance Management

Electrical Engineering, Compliance, Standards and System Fundamentals

Flow Assurance : Managing Flow Dynamics and Production Chemistry

IMO Model Training Course on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) Level 2 – Supervisors and On-Scene Commanders

Optimising Equipment Maintenance & Replacement Decisions

Planned Shutdown, Critical Activities, Isolation, Start-up & Commissioning

Problem Solving & Decision Making Skills for Engineers and Technical Professionals

Process Measurement, Instrumentation & Process Control

Process Plant Optimization Technology and Continual Improvement

Understanding and Preventing Process Equipment Failures

Engineering & Technical Training Courses
How do you keep your technical knowledge and skills abreast of the advancing and evolving technologies, standards, and regulations required by the oil and gas industry? With the Oil and Gas market constantly in flux, this is a tall order.
Get the reassurance of a trusted training provider who specialises in areas such as Assets and Maintenance, Instrumentation & Process Control, Mechanical Engineering, Corrosion Management and the Health, Safety & Environment. Take the lead, be proactive and achieve technical advancement vital in today’s upstream, midstream, and downstream Oil and Gas industry by registering today and securing your career.